Results for 'Denise E. Delorme'

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  1.  11
    Ethics and the Internet Issues Associated with Qualitative Research.Denise E. Delorme, George M. Zinkhan & Warren French - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (4):271-286.
    This paper examines the need for standards to resolve ethical conflicts related to qualitative, on-line research. Practitioners working in the area of qualitative research gauged the breadth and depth of this need. Those practitioners identified several key ethical issues associated with qualitative on-line research, and felt that there should be a common ethics code to cover issues related to Internet research. They also identified challenges associated with the profession's acceptance of a unified code. The paper concludes by offering guidance in (...)
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    Ethics and the internet issues associated with qualitative research.Denise E. DeLorme, George M. Sinkhan & Warren French - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (4):271 - 286.
    This paper examines the need for standards to resolve ethical conflicts related to qualitative, on-line research. Practitioners working in the area of qualitative research gauged the breadth and depth of this need. Those practitioners identified several key ethical issues associated with qualitative on-line research, and felt that there should be a common ethics code to cover issues related to Internet research. They also identified challenges associated with the profession's acceptance of a unified code. The paper concludes by offering guidance in (...)
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  3. Appositivc NP constructions: we, the men, we men; I, a man; ETC.E. Delorme—Rc Dougherty - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:2429.
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  4. Untangling the Conceptual Issues Raised in Reydon and Scholz’s Critique of Organizational Ecology and Darwinian Populations.Denise E. Dollimore - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (3):282-315.
    Reydon and Scholz raise doubts about the Darwinian status of organizational ecology by arguing that Darwinian principles are not applicable to organizational populations. Although their critique of organizational ecology’s typological essentialism is correct, they go on to reject the Darwinian status of organizational populations. This paper claims that the replicator-interactor distinction raised in modern philosophy of biology but overlooked for discussion by Reydon and Scholz provides a way forward. It is possible to conceptualize evolving Darwinian populations providing that the inheritance (...)
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    Darwinism and Organizational Ecology.Denise E. Dollimore - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (3):375-382.
    In an earlier article published in this journal I challenge Reydon and Scholz’s (2009) claim that Organizational Ecology is a non-Darwinian program. In this reply to Reydon and Scholz’s subsequent response, I clarify the difference between our two approaches denoted by an emphasis here on the careful application of core Darwinian principles and an insistence by Reydon and Scholz on direct biological analogies. On a substantive issue, they identify as being the principal problem for Organizational Ecology, namely, the inability to (...)
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  6. A strategy for preservice teachers to integrate cultural elements within planning and instruction: Cultural LIVES.Denise E. Salsbury - 2008 - Journal of Social Studies Research 32 (2):31-39.
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    The abandonment of maize landraces over the last 50 years in Morelos, Mexico: a tracing study using a multi-level perspective.Denise E. Costich, Matteo Dell’Acqua, Mario Enrico Pè, Conny J. M. Almekinders, Tania Carolina Camacho-Villa & Francis Denisse McLean-Rodríguez - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):651-668.
    Understanding the causes of maize landrace loss in farmers’ field is essential to design effective conservation strategies. These strategies are necessary to ensure that genetic resources are available in the future. Previous studies have shown that this loss is caused by multiple factors. In this longitudinal study, we used a collection of 93 maize landrace accessions from Morelos, Mexico, and stored at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Maize Germplasm Bank, to trace back to the original 66 donor (...)
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    Yuko Ishihara and Steven A. Tainer, Intercultural Phenomenology: Playing with Reality. [REVIEW]Denise E. T. Ho - 2024 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 3 (2):189-193.
  9. Are You Awed Yet? How Virtual Reality Gives Us Awe and Goose Bumps.Denise Quesnel & Bernhard E. Riecke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethics Lessons From Seattle’s Early Experience With COVID-19.Denise M. Dudzinski, Benjamin Y. Hoisington & Crystal E. Brown - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):67-74.
    Ethics consultants and critical care clinicians reflect on Seattle’s early experience as the United States’ first epicenter of COVID-19. We discuss ethically salient issues confronted at UW Medicin...
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    De l'être ou rien: Heidegger et philosophie de l'être.Denise Brihat - 1988 - Paris: Téqui.
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    Capa e Apresentação.Denise Siqueira & Leticia Matheus - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (22).
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    “That's our kind of constellation”: Lesbian mothers negotiate institutionalized understandings of gender within the family.Denise D. Bielby & Susan E. Dalton - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):36-61.
    Building on more than two decades offeminist analysis of the family, this article takes a neoinstitutionalist approach to examine some of the ways that sex, gender, and sexual orientation intersect in lesbianheaded two-parent families, affecting how they construct their roles as mothers. Institutionalist theory tends to de-emphasize how actors deliberately construct social arrangements such as parenting roles within the family. The authors' analysis of interviews from 14 lesbian mothers remedies this deficiency by focusing both on how they draw upon and (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi. Fasc. VIII. Questiones supra libros quatuor Physicorum Aristotelis.Ferdinand Delorme, Roberto Steele, A. G. Little & E. Withington - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (14):261-263.
  15. Avaliação Institucional Participativa e sua Gramática.Denise Balarine Cavalheiro Leite - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Sur les pas d'Épicure.Jean Delorme - 1972 - [Paris]: Éditions du Grand siècle.
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  17. Showing one's true colours in Roman history.Denise Reitzenstein - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey, Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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    Os Direitos Humanos, entre Suspeição e Atestação.Denise Lopes Salles & Sergio de Souza Salles - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (2-3):361-382.
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    Interações sociais e novos padrões perceptivos na construção da subjetividade.Denise Azevedo Duarte Guimarães - 2009 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (1):22-33.
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    Diálogo entre a sociologia e a psicanálise: o indivíduo e o sujeito.Denise de Oliveira Lima - 2012 - Salvador: Edufba.
    Um posicionamento epistemológico -- Sociologia e psicanálise -- Reflexões sobre a obra psicanalítica de Sérgio Paulo Rouanet -- O indivíduo e o sujeito -- Inconclusões ou esperanças.
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  21. Automation, Labour Justice, and Equality.Denise Celentano - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (1):33-50.
    This article contributes to the debate on automation and justice by discussing two under-represented concerns: labour justice and equality. Since automation involves both winners and losers, and given that there is no ‘end of work’ on the horizon, it is argued that most normative views on the subject – i.e. the ‘allocative’ view of basic income, and the ‘desirability’ views of post-work and workist ethics – do not provide many resources with which to address unjustly unequal divisions of labour involved (...)
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    Das telas mais do que azuis e dos algoritmos em tempos pandêmicos: Caetano e o videoclipe Anjos Tronchos.Denise Azevedo Duarte Guimaraes - 2023 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 29 (1).
    O artigo artigo aborda os conflitos identitários verificados na cultura multimidiática, com sua exacerbação em tempos pandêmicos, efetuando a análise do videoclipe Anjos Tronchos, de Caetano Veloso, lançado em outubro de 2021. A letra da música problematiza o aparato tecnológico que nos transforma em títeres dos grandes conglomerados (do Vale do Silício) que tudo comandam, alimentando uma onda consumista de dimensões e consequências inimagináveis. A obra audiovisual em análise vem acionar elementos sensíveis e afetivos, propiciando reflexões sobre a fragilidade das (...)
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  23. Memória, opinião e cultura política. A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil sob a ditadura (1964-1974).Denise Rollemberg, Daniel Aarão Reis & Denis Rolland - 2008 - In Reis Filho, Daniel Aarão & Denis Rolland, Modernidades alternativas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora.
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    O Que É Ser Professor? Contribuições de Michel Foucault Para (Re)Pensar a Docência.Denise da Silva Braga & Gislene Valério de Barros - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 6:3-13.
    Partindo da noção de discurso de Michel Foucault buscamos pontuar os efeitos das falas comumente admitidas sobre o(a) professor(a) nos meios sociais e as formas como essas falas corroboram a instituição da figura do(a) bom(boa) professor(a). Para tanto recorremos aos textos publicados na seção "Obrigado, professor" da revista Nova Escola, sobre os quais empreendemos nossa análise.
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    Competent Patients' Refusal of Nursing Care.Denise M. Dudzinski & Sarah E. Shannon - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):608-621.
    Competent patients’ refusals of nursing care do not yet have the legal or ethical standing of refusals of life-sustaining medical therapies such as mechanical ventilation or blood products. The case of a woman who refused turning and incontinence management owing to pain prompted us to examine these situations. We noted several special features: lack of paradigm cases, social taboo around unmanaged incontinence, the distinction between ordinary versus extraordinary care, and the moral distress experienced by nurses. We examined this case on (...)
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    Re-existências decoloniais – a potência dos clipes Mandume, Boa Esperança e Eminência Parda.Denise Figueiredo Barros do Prado - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    Este artigo discute como os clipes Mandume, Boa Esperança e Eminência Parda do rapper de Emicida, realizam um retorno à ferida colonial e apontam opacidades históricas, opressões e exclusões daí derivadas, como forma de conduzir a uma releitura afetiva e resistente do/no tempo e instigar ações estéticas de re-existência. Para isso, realizamos uma análise audioverbovisual dos clipes procurando observar a construção desse discurso a partir de três categorias analíticas: retorno memorialístico, corporalidade desumanizada e vida livre da violência e da morte.
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    From Amelioration to Redemption: Discussing Patricia Rozema’s Adaptation of 'Mansfield Park' | De 'amelioration' à redenção: uma discussão acerca da adaptação de 'Mansfield Park', de Patricia Rozema.Denise de Quintana Estacio - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):477-494.
    In 1814, Jane Austen published Mansfield Park, which, despite being one of her lesser-known works raised important discussions about the depiction of its historical context. Having one of the characters as a landowner in Antigua, the novel prompted readings from post-colonialist perspectives, such as Edward Said’s interpretation of the “dead silence” scene, and George Boulukos’ discussion about amelioration. These approaches to the text have probably led Patricia Rozema into using the slave-dependency as central to the Bertrams’ lives in her 1999 (...)
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  28. Acesso à justiça: Delineamentos gerais E análise no projeto de novo código processual civil.Débora Daniele Rodrigues E. Melo & Denise Rocha Dias da Silveira - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):119-134.
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    The contributions of scientific realism and critical realism to realist evaluation.Ferdinand C. Mukumbang, Denise E. De Souza & John G. Eastwood - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (3):504-524.
    Realist evaluation has gained prominence in the field of evaluation in recent years. Its theory-driven approach to explaining how and why programmes work or not makes it attractive to many novices, early career researchers, and organizations implementing various programmes globally and relevant to policymakers and programme implementers. While realist evaluation seeks to be pragmatic, adopting principles and methods that can be used to help focus an evaluation, its deep ontological and epistemological foundations make its application in real-life situations challenging. In (...)
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    O trabalhador voluntário e seus sentimentos ante a doença e o sofrimento.Denise Zanatta & María Piedad Rangel Meneses - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 23:113-121.
    O presente estudo é resultado da experiência de uma das ações de estágio profissionalizante em Psicologia Social Comunitária, realizada através de uma pesquisa-intervenção que teve como objetivo o fortalecimento de um grupo de voluntários da região noroeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul para facili..
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    Directed forgetting as a function of explicit within-list cuing and implicit postlist cuing.Addison E. Woodward, Denise C. Park & Karen Seebohm - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (6):1001.
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    Jean-E. Bersier, La Gravure, les procédés, l’histoire. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1974. 19 × 23,438 p., 170 reproductions.Albert Delorme - 1975 - Revue de Synthèse 96 (79-80):445-446.
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    La transcendance de Dieue.Denise Couture - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (3):465-478.
    Après avoir situé le contexte québécois de l’apparition du vocable de la Dieue avec un «e», l’auteure propose l’hypothèse selon laquelle la féminisation du divin ne signifie pas d’abord que la Dieue chrétienne serait de genre féminin, mais renvoie à l’acte d’énonciation féministe. Dans le domaine de la théologie universitaire, on peut analyser le dire la Dieue à partir d’une intersection construite entre une théologie existentielle et une approche féministe. Dans cette perspective, des théologiennes féministes ont critiqué une compréhension de (...)
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  34. La vie monastique dans les campagnes byzantines du VIII e au XI e siècle.Denise Papachryssanthou - 1973 - Byzantion 43:158-80.
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    Abitudine e follia: studi di storia della filosofia e della psicologia.Denise Vincenti - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Obbligazione e abitudine. Il concetto di habitude ne Les deux sources di Henri Bergson.Denise Vincenti - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Embate Discursivo e Quebra Do Contrato Parresiástico Em Electra, de Eurípedes.Denise Gabriel Witzel & Nathalia Santos Camargo - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 41.
    Na tragédia de Eurípides, Electra, ganha relevo um embate discursivo entre Electra e sua mãe Clitemnestra, no qual ocorre uma subversão do contrato parresiástico, segundo Foucault (2007). Focalizando precisamente essa subversão, propomo-nos retornar a uma história das mulheres na Grécia Antiga, a fim de compreendermos os atravessamentos que essas mulheres têm em suas relações com as verdades, rituais, preceitos e condutas que, por sua vez, são indicativos de suas construções enquanto sujeitos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Discurso, História das Mulheres, Parresía.
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    La spontaneità malata. Follia e patologia nella filosofia di Félix Ravaisson.Denise Vincenti - 2015 - Itinera 10.
    In Ravaisson’s philosophy, the concept of spontaneity refers to the first, basic and organic form of improvisation. Nature consists in fact of a rational law of development named habit, that regulates all movements, summarizing the external impulsions and the internal penchants in the form of spontaneous activity. However the insertion of spontaneity in nature determines the appearance of unpredictability and negativity in life’s productions, like organic and psychical pathologies. Ravaisson will try to show how this morbid spontaneity belongs to nature’s (...)
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    Metafísica da subjetividade E desconstrução: Notas a partir de Jacques Derrida.Denise Dardeau - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (58):567-585.
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    La spontaneità malata: fisiologia, patologia e alienazione mentale nel pensiero di Félix Ravaisson.Denise Vincenti - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Toppling the Melting Pot: Immigration and Multiculturalism in American Pragmatism by José-Antonio Orosco.Denise Meda Calderon - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (2):121-126.
    José-Antonio Orosco’s Toppling the Melting Pot: Immigration and Multiculturalism in American Pragmatism carefully documents an expansive history of US anti-immigrant rhetoric dating back to the late nineteenth century. Along with its historical tracing, this work contributes great depth to current debates on immigration.The book focuses on writers described as US American philosophers including Horace Kallen, Louis Adamic, W. E. B. Du Bois, Josiah Royce, Jane Addams, and Cesar Chavez. Their works are meant to deliver a pragmatic conceptual framework on US (...)
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    Espace tactile et espace visuel. L’origine de la notion d’étendue chez Jules Lachelier.Denise Vincenti - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 111 (3):385-402.
    À lafin du XVIII e siècle, lemédecin et philosophe allemand Ernst Platner, en rapportant une observation faite sur un aveugle-né, affirme qu’un homme privé de la vue depuis la naissance ne peut pas posséder la catégorie de l’espace. Cette courte observation s’affirme bientôt comme référence privilégiée du débat sur la nature acquise ou innée de la connaissance. L’une des principales contributions publiées en France est le texte de Jules Lachelier sur la genèse de la notion d’espace. Texte fort peu connu (...)
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    Parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi.Marie-Laure Delorme - 2019 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
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    Helping as a Concurrent Activity: How Students Engage in Small Groups While Pursuing Classroom Tasks.Denise Wakke & Vivien Heller - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines interactions in which students help each other with their learning during classroom instruction, forming groups in the process. From a conversation analytic perspective, helping is assumed to be a sequentially organized activity jointly accomplished by the participants. As an activity that proceeds alongside other ongoing classroom activities, helping can be conceived as part of a multiactivity that poses students with multi-faceted interactional and moral challenges. While previous research on helping in educational contexts has primarily focused on the (...)
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    O caso dos judeus laicos: a complexidade das identidades étnicas e religiosas nas classificações censitárias (The Jewish Laic: the complexity of the ethnic and religious identities in the census classifications) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1525. [REVIEW]Denise dos Santos Rodrigues - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1525-1550.
    Este artigo avalia o impacto das transformações da contemporaneidade em religiões tradicionais como o judaísmo, cujos membros podem assumir uma faceta secular, interferindo no monitoramento de sua presença num território. A restrição da classificação censitária de certos grupos étnicos unicamente ao quesito religião pode confundir a interpretação das oscilações de certos grupos, uma vez que pode camuflar sua real representatividade numérica. Lembramos que um membro de um grupo étnico pode sentir-se livre para assumir uma identidade religiosa diferente de sua etnia (...)
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    A questão do sujeito na filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas: uma abordagem crítica sob a ótica derridiana.Denise Dardeau - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):170.
    O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em problematizar, em linhas gerais, o pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas a partir da interferência crítica do pensamento derridiano. A questão de fundo diz respeito à crítica levinasiana à concepção moderna de sujeito e à postura filosófica de neutralidade e universalidade do pensamento ocidental, de forma geral, propondo então que se pense a subjetividade atrelada à alteridade e a alteridade como o verdadeiro “eixo” do pensamento. O nosso intuito é o de fazer ver os limites (...)
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    Cognitive evolutionary psychology without representational nativism.Denise D. Cummins, Robert C. Cummins & Pierre Poirier - 2003 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 15 (2):143-159.
    A viable evolutionary cognitive psychology requires that specific cognitive capacities be (a) heritable and (b) ‘quasi-independent’ from other heritable traits. They must be heritable because there can be no selection for traits that are not. They must be quasi-independent from other heritable traits, since adaptive variations in a specific cognitive capacity could have no distinctive consequences for fitness if effecting those variations required widespread changes in other unrelated traits and capacities as well. These requirements would be satisfied by innate cognitive (...)
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    Ethics Without Borders.James E. Fisher & Denise Guithues-Amrhein - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:325-330.
    John Berry, a risk manager for a U.S.-based pharmaceutical firm (Best Co.), is assigned additional responsibilities when his territory is expanded to include the South America region. When an employee in one of Best Co.’s South American manufacturing facilities dies in a work-related incident, John must determine an appropriate response. In a business context that is increasingly global, ethical decisions are further complicated by cultural differences. This case considers thefactors influencing John as he weighs his options on how to resolve (...)
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    Globalization and International Development: The Ethical Issues.H. E. Baber & Denise Dimon (eds.) - 2013 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    This new anthology offers a wide selection of readings addressing the contemporary moral issues that arise from the division between the Global North and South—“the problem of the color-line” that W.E.B. Du Bois identified at the beginning of the twentieth century and which, on a scale that Du Bois could not have foreseen, is the problem of the twenty-first. The book is interdisciplinary in scope. In addition to standard topical essays in ethical theory by philosophers such as Anthony Appiah, Martha (...)
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    Personality moderates the links of social identity with work motivation and job searching.Pieter E. Baay, Marcel A. G. van Aken, Tanja van der Lippe & Denise T. D. de Ridder - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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